Supporting candidates in finding opportunity in third-party claim administrator jobs is a favorite BKG pass-time. Our talent acquisition specialists would call this one of their “sweet spots”, as their industry tenure includes years of dedicated work in this space. Given this experience, our talent acquisition specialists have invaluable industry connections that promote harmonious client-candidate matches.
Third-Party Claims Administrators (TPA’s) Recruiters in United States
The third-party claims administration is where BKG truly shows their heart – with expansive professional networks in this arena, we ensure all placements promote industry vitality. Here at BKG we recognize how quickly third-party claim administrator companies have grown in recent years. With this rapid growth, we understand that many third-party administration companies are working in novel spaces, performing new tasks, and are seeking fresh talent to fill pivotal roles.
Our talent acquisition specialists don’t take this need lightly. That’s why we go above and beyond traditional database searches to source qualified, passionate candidates.
We take recruitment to the next level by calling on our professional networks, comprised of both active and passive candidates, to identify the perfect person for the career opportunity. At BKG, our staffing solutions are tailored, with care, to meet the industry’s evolving needs.

Our talent acquisition specialists recognize the importance of sourcing candidates equipped to support our third-party administrator company clients. Our recruitment process entails a thorough interview process aimed to truly get to know the candidate. We take the time necessary to generate a comprehensive understanding of each client’s unique personality, knowledge, skills, and abilities to ensure they are in full alignment with client needs. Our goal? To provide creative staffing solutions, composed of qualified and trusted individuals, that are ready assist our clients in putting their best foot forward.