There are plenty of advices for how to write a resume, how to interview and how to land a great job, but what about resigning from your current position? How to resign from your current job? Whether you’re dissatisfied, found something better or are simply ready for a change, resigning can be nerve-racking. Resigning professionally is important for preserving your good reputation. It might seem that resigning from your job would be as simple as giving proper notice, but it’s not that easy. Here are some tips for resigning professionally.
Going to resign? Be Professional!
Going to your boss and resigning may create some anxiety, but preserving positive relationships will be valuable later in your career especially if you are looking for references or connections. Be sure to follow the resignation rules of your company. Check your employee handbook for the rules. Honoring the guidelines of your company is the right thing to do and your termination benefits may depend on it. No matter how much your new employer is pushing you to start, you have a commitment to your current company to finish strong. Be prepared for the possibility that your current employer will offer you more money, responsibility or training to stay. You need to know how you will handle this counter-offer before talking to your manager about resigning.
Be Courteous While Resigning
Resign face-to-face and provide a follow-up letter. It is a total taboo to resign over email or voicemail. Make sure you thank your boss for the opportunity at your current job and keep it positive. Don’t bellyache to coworkers about your dissatisfaction at work. Avoid bashing your current job or bosses during an interview with a potential new employer. It is very important that you resist trashing your current job on social media. Even after you’ve given your notice, refrain from publically broadcasting how excited you are to get out of there! Make sure that word of your pending departure doesn’t get out before you tell your boss. If you’re asked why you are leaving, simply state, “for a better opportunity.” If you don’t have another job lined up, you may have to be more honest, but always put a professional spin on it: “This isn’t the right environment for me” sounds a lot better than “I hate my boss!”
You may like to see more at How to Resign?
Finish Strong
While your resignation should be short and sweet, maintain your professional work ethic until your last day. Do you’re very best to leave your colleagues, your replacement, and your clients as prepared as possible for your departure. Don’t give in to that “last day of school” mindset. Instead, focus on wrapping up loose ends and setting your colleagues up for success. If your current employer would like you to stay the full two weeks, or any amount of time after you resign, continue to work just as hard as you did before. Nothing creates bad feelings or a bad reference faster than coasting through the last few days at your current job. Also, ask for recommendations before you go. If you already have a job lined up, this might not seem important, but it’s always a good idea to have recommendations from previous employers. Asking in person, while you are still fresh in their mind, means they will be more likely to respond positively to your request.
On Your Last Day
Participate in an exit interview and don’t think of it as a type of punishment or interrogation. Think of it as a way to help your current employer improve the way they do business. Also, be prepared to be escorted off of the premises. It’s not uncommon for businesses to escort ex-employees, even managers, out of the building on their last day. Don’t take offense or cause a scene. Just gather your belongings, smile, and wave to your coworkers on the way out. To make this easier, casually begin taking personal items home before you announce your resignation. That way, you can just leave if your boss asks you to go.
Conclusion – How to Resign Professionally?
Unlike days of old, it’s not uncommon to change jobs every five years or so to keep your experience fresh. Knowing how to handle a job transition professionally is a valuable career skill. Keep in mind that everything you do before, during, and after you resign from a job will most likely be considered if you ask for a reference. Don’t burn any bridges on your way out. You may need them in the future.
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